Emerging from Ebola
Post-Ebola media coverage has focused upon how international efforts could help rebuild the ravaged Sierra Leone economy and healthcare systems. However, the heart of the story remains how Sierra Leoneans are confronting their fears of exposure to regain their sense of place within their communities. For the past 2 years, learning one’s ABC’s meant complying with public health directives to “Avoid Body Contact.” In the aftermath of Ebola, many Sierra Leoneans struggled with lingering fears of crowded public areas. My project examined how the simple acts of re-entering public spaces—visiting friends, hailing a taxi, gathering at the beach, sending your children to school, going to work, navigating human touch in the public and private arenas—comprise not only a celebration of humanity, but also a courageous step towards restoring the emotional and communal bonds that have historically defined this country’s culture. While the shadow of Ebola will haunt this nation for years to come, the resilience and passion of the people should be at the heart of the coverage moving forward.